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Membership has many advantages, not least the pooling of technical knowledge and the chance of enjoying your car with like-minded enthusiasts (you don't even have to own an AC!). Join online now


The AC Owners' Club website is maintained as a service both to ACOC members and non-members, to help maintain and preserve cars built by the AC company from the Edwardian era to recent times.

The site is in two parts. The Public Area contains a brief history of AC, a model directory illustrating AC cars and other products, an Events listing, small ads from the previous issue of the club magazine ACtion, a selection of regalia that is available for sale, a downloadable membership form, some useful links and a contact page. Also in the Public Area is the Forum for use by members and non-members alike. You can register for this by clicking the 'Register' button in the top right hand corner of the Forum page and using your own choice of Username and Password. If you choose a bizarre password and/or do not fill in your country of origin you will be deleted as a potential spammer. The Forum is primarily designed to discuss AC products and history, and negative contributions will be edited.

The Members' Area is accessed by logging in from the box in the top right of the website home page. The username and password as of the 16th June 2014 is your membership number and surname. These should be changed to ones of your choosing at the earliest possibility. In this way only current subscribers will be able access the members area. It contains a more detailed history of each model, plus photographs and the most recent register. The registers are updated periodically by the Registrars. There is also a page of historical archive articles from ACtion and a list of spares available from the club's sister company, Thames Ditton Spares Limited. A list of Club Officers, the most recent accounts and the Articles of Association are also available as well as offers available to members on the Home page.

Click here for our Privacy Notice


Can I join / renew my subscription online? A: There is a link to online Membership page, where you can join and renew online.

Q:The username and password published in ACtion does not let me access the Forum. A: Read the above text.

Q: I can't access the Members' Area. A: If you are using a Mac and the Safari browser, this does not work and is not supported. Recent IE and Firefox editions work fine. Make sure you are typing the username and password in lower case and your CAPS LOCK key is not on. Occasionally, as with all sites, maintenance is carried out and you won't be able to get in.

This website is published by the AC Owners' Club Limited.
Registered Office: Tree House, Plaxtol TN15 OPY
Company Number 549112, registered in England.

The AC Owners' Club is an independent organisation and is not connected or affiliated with Acedes Holdings LLC or the licensees or manufacturers of AC Motor Cars. The statements and opinions expressed here are those of the AC Owners' Club Limited or its members (other than on the Forum, which non-members are also permitted to use) and are not endorsed by Acedes Holdings LLC or their licensees or manufacturers or approved by them. Contributions, opinions and comments by individuals, whether members or non-members of the ACOC are their own and are not approved or endorsed by the ACOC or other company or organisation.